Lanuba Disco

Shopping centre offering food products, cigarettes and tobacco, electronic equipment, leather goods and leading fashion labels including Desigual, Lacoste, Levis and Orchestra. Belharra also stocks Rip Curl, Oxbow and Converse, among others. The centre contains bars and restaurants (Lugarana Restaurant, Mikala Bar and Kupela Cider House) and a disco: La Nuba. Open every day from 08:30h to 19:30h. Closed only on 1 January and 25 December. Opening hours from 1 October to 1 April: 07:15 to 19:15 Monday to Friday, and 07:45 to 20:45 at weekends.

Direccion: s/n - 31711 Dantxarinea - Urdazubi/Urdax (Navarra)

Teléfono: 902 21 08 00

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